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Dreaming of fall photos already? That’s a good thing.

Planning your families fall outfits should not be done last minute so that you can have the perfect harmonies you are dreaming up in your mind.

Are you loving the Rust + Cream and khaki?

Maybe a Deep Wine + Beige with a few Olive Greens are your vibe this year.

One thing is certain you don't want to dress everyone identical in the same colors head to toe. Why not? Because even though as a family we are very similar, we are not identical. That might make life and your portraits very boring.

Start with mom, dress yourself in some warm Jewel tones and a creamy small floral dress. Something that makes you stop and stare at yourself when you pass the mirror because woman you are beautiful. The goal is to have a color scheme of no more than 3 colors. Sprinkle at least one color on each member of the family, while some may pick up two or three of the colors as you are layering their clothes.

I will include links to make shopping that much easier below. As an Amazon affiliate I am compensated a small amount when you purchase through my links at no additional cost to you.

Most of all during your fall family photos be sure to be in the moment and fully enjoy your family. Your photographer should help coral the children and make this a stress free moment in time.

If you are in need of a family photographer and are near Indiana feel free to check out my page.

A perfect cream flowy dress to start building your families fall portrait clothing.

Putting your man in this rust color gives an amazing base combination to rock your fall photos.

Simply place a cream colored button up underneath to pull the style together for a dynamic duo.

Put black jeans on dad for your third color and follow up by placing your mini me in this beautiful ensemble tidying you all together.

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